Morals and Markets

Bruni and Sugden 2013 – Reclaiming Virtue Ethics for Economics (B&S)
Falk and Szech 2013 – Morals and Markets (F&S)

A. Introduction
1. Whats an example of ethical behaviour? How about unethical?
2. Vote: do markets promote ethical behaviour or not? (Make clear this is an opinion, no 'right answer'. Options: yes/no/Im not sure)
3. What do B&S think? How about F&S? (Options:yes/no/Im not sure)

B. Bruni and Sugden

B&S - Understanding

1. What is an example of a virtue? (e.g. what is a virtue of students, or soldiers?)
2. What is 'telos'?
3. What is the telos of a pen? What is the telos of a university?
5. What, according to virtue ethics and B&S, is the relationship between telos and virtue?
6. What, according to B&S, is the telos of markets?
7. What about the virtue of markets?
8. So what is B&S' conclusion/thesis?

B&S - Discussion

9. What do you think the telos of a market is?
10. Are the virtues in the article actually virtues? (What if they are not virtues for other kinds of activity - would that matter?, Can something be a virtue if your true intention is only to benefit yourself?)
11. Do markets actually have the virtues in the article?

C. Falk and Szech

F&S - Understanding

1. Vote: Who would save the life of a mouse for €10? (Options: yes/no)
2. F&S provide some experimental data to do with subject's willingness to trade the life of a mouse for money. What does Fig 1 show?
3. What is the "individual price list treatment"? What were the findings of this experiment?
4. What do F&S claim their experimental findings show?
5. What 3 ways do they suggest markets might erode moral standards?

F&S - Discussion
6. F&S draw strong conclusions from their evidence. Are they right to? Do we have any reason to doubt that the findings of the experiments justify their conclusions? (For example, might findings have been different in different cultures, settings, using different animals)
7. How much can we learn about real markets from experiments like these, conducted on mice at a university?

D. Conclusion

1. Could markets erode some values (as F&S suggest) but promote others? If so, could F&S's findings be reconciled with B&S's arguments? What would that mean? 
2. Vote: do markets promote ethical behaviour or not? Has anyone changed their mind?


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