General Feedback for Assignment One

This feedback is based on essays from IBE 7 and IBE 11.

- Most students understood the F&S paper.
- Some failed to mention the *AFFECT* that the market had in F&S (and merely mentioned that they thought it was unethical or selfish to kill the mouse, or that choosing to kill the mouse shows only concern for yourself). To improve they should talk about what difference being in a market had on the participants behaviour.

-Most students understood most or some of the B&S paper.
-Many students introduced the term "telos" without defining it. In a philosophy essay, if you use a word that someone who is not a philosopher but is well educated would not know, it is best to define it.
-Some students did not spell out the relationship between virtue and telos in the B&S paper
-Some students did not say exactly how B&S's argument worked, only that they think markets promote ethical behaviour. You should say *why* they think this too!

-A few students did not have any introduction, and did not tell the reader what B&S say, or what F&S say, before launching into a discussion. It is difficult with these shorter essays, but you should always include a summary (even if it is short) of the views you are discussing, before you discuss them.

- Many students should work on using language more precisely.

-Almost all students included their own thoughts which is great.


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General Feedback for Assignment Two